Ever heard Bad Religion‘s Christmas album? Why does a band that openly rejects religion have a Christmas album you ask? Well according to LA Weekly:
While band co-founder and guitarist Brett Gurewitz grew up in a Jewish household, he still has fond memories of Christmas.
“We always celebrated Hanukah in my house,” Gurewitz says. “But on Christmas Day I would still get a present from Santa Claus. My parents told me that even though we weren’t Christians, Santa Claus still gave presents to all of the little Jewish boys and girls.
“I was always jealous of the Christmas songs,” he goes on. “Most of the Jewish songs were crap.”
Gurewitz says the idea of performing these songs was “hilarious. Clearly, it’s a satire. We were rolling on the floor a lot of the time…it felt like a Monty Python skit to me.”
Regardless of the reasons behind it their versions of tracks like “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” are hard as f**k.