Dave Mustaine recently spoke with Kerrang! In speaking about the direction of the new Megadeth album – the term “heavy as hell” was used. This quote is attributed to Mustane’s son after hearing one of the new tracks.
“When he came over this time, we were working on a song that has the tentative title The Dogs Of Chernobyl, and the intro riff has kind of a Hungarian guitar part, kind of like something Mercyful Fate did on Into The Coven. The song comes in super powerful and strong, and my son goes ‘Oh god that’s heavy as hell!’ and I just started laughing.”
Dave described the overall sound of the new record.
“Dystopia was more of us doing what makes us feel good; there’s a lot of super heavy, fast drumming at the end of some songs. My son was in here two days ago and when we were doing Dystopia he was listening to the songs and making comments, and the ones he commented on were the ones that got the best response.”
Nick Menza the drummer who played with Megadeth on classic albums like Rust in Peace and Countdown to Extinction passed away back in 2016. The new album will be the first studio record to feature recently added drummer Dirk Verbeuren (formerly of Soilwork).