THE BRINK- ‘Nowhere To Run’ – debut album out May 17th 2019
On tour in March!!!
debut album
out May 17th, 2019
Frontiers Music Srl
pre-order link
new single
lyric video
Influenced by classic bands of both the past and present, but with a modern edge added to the mix,
The Brink bring new life and energy to the British hard rock scene with their vibrant 21st Century form of
balls-to-the-wall rock ’n roll.
Starting out in the Cambridge area, the group have worked their way up the ladder to headline in cities
such as London, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Nottingham, while support slots have included a
well received UK tour with The New Roses in the autumn of 2018.
The Brink signed to Frontiers in 2017 and are now set to release their debut album, ‘Nowhere To Run’,
which has been produced by Nick Tauber (Thin Lizzy, UFO, Marillion). Weaving delicate vocal and
instrumental harmonies around driving rock riffs, the record is packed with fist-pumping anthems and
solid ballads befitting early Def Leppard and Bon Jovi, although their fresh new style has already
enticed fans from a variety of rock genres.
Singer Tom Quick states that the lyrics have “a theme of unity and compassion, and an understanding
that no matter who you are, there is always a place for you in this world. The songs are written from the
perspective of personal situations that the band members have been through and our hope is that
listeners will be able to relate to what we are talking about and be inspired by it.” Musically, he continues
“it’s filled with hard hitting riffs, sing-along choruses and kick ass ballads!”
As for the new single, ‘Break These Chains’, Tom explains that the song “was inspired by friends of band
bassist Gaz Connor, who “both had very strong work ethics in well paid jobs, but they never felt it was
paying off and they knew there had to be more to life. They had to break the chains that bound them.
Lexi [Laine, guitarist] wrote a hard hitting riff to back up the message behind the lyrics, to really make
them come to life and tell the story.”
Backed up with an exciting live show full of youthful vivacity, The Brink belong on the stadium stage.
Meanwhile, they can be seen on tour again in March :
13.03.19 EDINBURGH Bannerman’s Bar *
14.03.19 CARLISLE Brickyard *
16.03.19 CHESTERFIELD Real Time Live *
17.03.19 LONDON Underworld *
21.03.19 SHEFFIELD Corporation *
22.03.19 WOLVERHAMPTON Slade Rooms *
23.03.19 GLASGOW The Cathouse**
24.03.19 NOTTINGHAM Rescue Rooms *
* with Jizzy Pearl’s Love/Hate
** with Bigfoot & Doomsday Outlaw
- Little Janie
- Break These Chains
- Never Again
- Save Goodbye
- Take Me Away
- One Night Only
- Wish
- Said And Done
- Fairytale
- Don’t Count Me Out
- Nothing To Fear
- No Way Back
- Are You With Me
- Burn
Tom Quick – vocals
Lexi Laine – lead guitar
Izzy Trixx – rhythm guitar
Gaz Connor – bass
Davide Drake Bocci – drums