Metalheads and ravers came together in unity as SULLIVAN KING reigned on his
throne at the Great Saltair Saturday, March 25th, in Magna Utah. He flawlessly
dominated with sub-bass so heavy it rattled your bones, stunning laser shows that
pierced through the hazy room, and his wicked expertise with guitar.
SULLIVAN KING delivers the impossible by creating common ground between Death
Metal and EDM/Bass Music. He is one of the few artists that have managed to
perfect the delicate balance between the two styles, and bring people of both genres
together as one.

Fans of both Metal and EDM lined the barricade, and filled the room. The energy in
the air was electrifying. SULLIVAN KING fed, and fed off the crowd throughout his
entire set. He started off with his own remix of the Ray Volpe song, “Laserbeam”.
The bass was shattering, and the laser lights were on point. The crowd exploded as
he welcomed himself to Salt Lake City.

Later, his performance of “End of Us” was nothing less than intoxicating. He came to
the front of the stage as the crowd sang along and danced. He was intently looking
around the room at the crowd. It couldn’t be more obvious that he was there for his
fans, and his fans knew it. The combination of intense and heavy music with the
EDM sense of community was complete euphoria.
At one point in the set, as is his custom, he invited all the ladies in the crowd to form
a mosh pit. He started it off with his own version of Shania Twain’s “Man! I Feel Like
A Woman!” That was closely followed by a song from his new album called “Riot”.
Everyone in the room was dancing and jumping up and down; even the guys in the
sound booth couldn’t stay still!

The set wrapped up with unbridled enthusiasm from the crowd, and a spectacular
display of lasers, and pyrotechnics. SULLIVAN KING came to rage, and he did! We all
His Thrones of Blood tour will continue through May 2023.
Visit sullivankingmusic.com for a complete list of dates and locations.