Do you remember as a teenager, sitting in your room with a black light on, lava lamp is bubbling in the background and great tunes injecting your brain with sounds that ultimately shaped who you are? Typically you would be think of something mellow like, Pink Floyd or The Doors. Take that same picture and add some metal flavor to it. Now you have something truly interesting. Now sprinkle in the likes of bands such as Deftones or Isis and add just a touch of A Perfect Circle. Now you have something even more interesting… and completely unique.

Since their debut album, Seismic, released by Ipecac Recordings in 2017, Spotlights have grown by leaps and bounds. The band is composed of Sarah Quintero on Bass and Vocals with husband Mario Quintero on Guitar, Vocals and Programming. On this outing they joined for the first time with drummer Chris Enriquez make their new record something special. With their catchy, thick distorted bass, skin cutting guitars and dreamy vocals, Spotlights really know how to take you on a journey with their music.
This group’s third record, Love & Decay is set to drop on April 26th 2019 and I have to say that I cannot stop listening to it. The album starts off with “Continue the Capsize” and this tune truly sets the tone for the rest of the album. It begins by just straight kicking you in the face with some heavy distorted bass, guitars and drums that are addictive. This track is so dark yet very melodic at the same time. The hills and valleys it contains really take you for a ride.

Songs like track 3, “Far From Falling,” are the type that keep you grounded on a record like this. It really shows that they can keep the momentum going without bringing you down too low or coming with too much angst. Like I said before, the hills and valleys are apparent in the whole album which makes for great dynamics and hearing something new with each listen.
The whole album is full of surprises. A track like, “The Beauty of Forgetting,” it has you guessing what is coming next. I love the electronics in this song. The mix between acoustic guitar and electronics bring such a peaceful sound that ties it all together.
Overall – I would say that if you are into the heavy, sludgy sounding progressive metal with very melodic and airy vocals – Love & Decay by Spotlights is the perfect album to add to your collection. Don’t forget what I said about the lava lamp and black lights as it enhances this album’s total experience. Peace, man.
Spotlights – Love & Decay is available April 26th 2019 via Ipecac Recordings.