The Oracle Management – the management firm created by DevilDriver/Coal Chamberfrontman Dez Fafara and his wife and partner, Vice President/CEO Anahstasia Fafara – have been making strong waves in the music industry with the signing of several massive artists and the launch of a merchandise company, The Oracle Merchandise Company (powered by IndieMerch), since they launched just two years ago.
The great artists keep on coming – today, The Oracle Management is pleased to announce their latest signing of Orange County-based “skacore” group 8KALACAS.
8KALACAS emerged from Orange County in 2003. Their potent blend of Latin-infused ska and hardcore eventually gave birth to the term “skacore”. The band – fueled by the concepts of hate, love, injustice and life – have recorded two full-length albums (Self-Titled & Kill the Radio), one EP and multiple compilations, and are currently working on their third studio album scheduled to be released this summer. The band’s growing fanbase – the 8K Familia – have welcomed the band with open arms, allowing them to play all over the U.S. and multiple tours in Mexico.
8KALACAS nace en Orange County Ca. en el año 2003. Combinando la musica ska y Harcore, da el inicio a “Skacore”. La banda le canta al odio, el amor, la injusticia y la vida. Actualmente 8K a grabado 2 discos (8 Kalacas y Kill the Radio), 1 e.p., varias compilaciones y actualmente esta trabajando en su tercer disco que saldra en el verano de el 2019. La famila 8K a crecido desde el 2003 y a permitido que la Banda gire por los Estados Unidos y 6 giras en Mexico.
Oscar Diaz a.k.a. Sick of 8KALACAS says about signing with The Oracle Management: “It is an honor for us to join the Oracle management team. We have just joined an awesome family! Familia 8K!”
The Oracle Management CEO Dez Fafara adds: “Oralé! Signing 8KALACAS is very exciting for The Oracle team. We are looking forward to moving the needle on this already established band! Oracle Familia Por Vida!”
Catch the vibe of 8KALACAS via music videos here:
Zombie – https://youtu.be/rLD4ihBp-wo
Nuestros Muertos – https://youtu.be/vnYbazer_JM
Puerco – https://youtu.be/_t2NoNyA67g
Sr. Kalaca – Vocals
Getse – Vocals
Memo – Drums
Sick – Bass
Steve-E – Guitar
Choriz – Trumpet
Gio – Trombone