“I went to a party last Saturday night…..” You know the rest of the words and so did the crowd at The Depot on Saturday night January 5, 2019 in Salt Lake City. Lita Ford has led an amazing career spanning over 5 decades. From her start in The Runaways to her amazing solo career, Lita always finds a way to tear it up.

The crowd was prepped for the next 60 minutes with a short recorded intro. A little secret about The Depot is that just to the side of the stage is an industrial elevator that brings the bands up from the green room. Regulars know to watch for those doors to open and wait for the band to appear. Sure enough, Lita and her band exited the elevator and headed on stage. The crowd roared with excitement as she broke right in “Gotta Let Go.” It didn’t take long to know Lita and her band were on their game. Lita and Patrick Kennison filled the guitar duties. The rhythm section was kept in line by bassist Marty O’ Brian and Bobby Rock on drums.

Lita’s setlist was essentially a musical biography. Each song marked a high point in her career. Although not in chronological order, it was particularly exciting to see her play two of her Runaway hits. The famed black Runaway’s guitar came out and she broke into “Cherry Bomb” and “Black Leather.”
As the set wound down, Lita slung on her signature double-necked guitar and sang the first verse of her version of Alice Cooper’s “Only Women Bleed.” The song seamlessly transitioned into “Close my Eyes Forever.” Guitarist Patrick Kennison sang Ozzy’s part.
Finally, Lita thanked the crowd for coming out and launched into “Kiss Me Deadly.” The crowd’s enthusiasm exploded and they sang the chorus. The show came to an end the crowd wanted more but there was no time.

Lita Ford showed no signs of being a rock star for five decades. She was so full of enthusiasm and drive if you hadn’t followed her career you would think she was fairly new to the music industry.
Be sure to go see Lita Ford live. You may get laid but don’t get in a fight!