KINGS OF DUST MAKE DEBUT ALBUM AVAILABLE DIGITALLY Message from KINGS OF DUST: Like fine wine, a vintage Les Paul and, well… Christmas!… good things come to those who wait. So, after more time than we expected, the critically acclaimed Kings of Dust self titled release is now available in digital form. You can download it at our website on the merch page. You can still purchase the release on CD, grab a spiffy KOD t-shirt and a sticker, and get all the latest goings on from the Kings camp. So head over there NOW and get a present for yourself. Then turn it up and say it’s for your neighbors too!! Go to KOD.band to purchase the digital version of Kings of Dust. Click here for a video message from KINGS OF DUST ### KINGS OF DUST ON THE WEB: www.kod.band www.facebook.com/KingsOfDust www.instagram.com/kingsofdust |