When it comes to historically-based songs and subject matter, no one does it better than Sweden’s own Hulkoff. His songs tell stories of fallen kings and warriors from the land of the Vikings. His latest single “Ingvar” tells a story that only Hulkoff could tell in true metal form. Brutal Planet Magazine asked Hulkoff about the story behind the song “Ingvar” and here is what he said about the song:
“The story behind Ingvar is based on the fate of the famous Journey of Ingvar the far-Travelled. What I Find so intriguing about this Ill-fated viking enterprise, is that these young men achieved a legacy that will never die. This eastern campaign that they undertook must and shall live on in our memories forever. This is my tribute, to the hard and daring men who set their sails for Serkland once. It is also the first taste, of how metal sounds when you mix it with folk violin, acoustic guitars, nyckelharpa and horse haired lyre. I hope you all will dig it.”
We then asked him if the single would be a part of a new album and this is what he had to say:
“Yes. There is an album coming, named Pansarfolk. The whole album is based on Scandinavian ancient folk music in general and the Shepherds horn mode in particular. Old melodies, from a time when major and minor were unknown terms, meet the modern-day panzer Metal.“
Can we expect more stories from the new album?
“There will be a few good stories on the album. Some light will shine on forgotten kings, and we will follow the trail of our forebears from the arctic to the Gobi desert. And back again.“
In true Hulkoff fashion he had this to say to all his fans out there:
“Stay frosty my friends. Hail Odin.”