Album Reviews

Crown Lands : Fearless

Hints of Pink Floyd, slight pinches of Led Zeppelin, some Yes and a dose or two of Rush. Toss in the sweetness of Tangerine Dream and synths of Vangelis. The result is perfection for the […]

Album Reviews

L.A.Guns-Black Diamonds

After all of these years and albums, L.A. Guns has managed to maintain their sound and the same vibe that their diehard fans have come to love. Their new release on April 14, Black Diamonds, […]

Album Reviews

KAMELOT: The Awakening (Brutal Planet Review)

Review by:Brittany Skidmore All ears will be on KAMELOT this Friday, March 17th with the release of their newestalbum The Awakening. After nearly five years since their last full-length album,The Shadow Theory was released, their […]

Album Reviews

RPWL : Crime Scene

Germany’s RPWL will release their eighth studio album titled Crime Scene through their own label, Gentle Art of Music in mid March. As with previous releases, RPWL has zeroed in on an album theme. Not […]