Album Reviews

Dirkschneider & The Old Gang : Arising

When reflecting upon German metal history, specifically vocalists, there’s one name that always appears. The name is Udo Dirkschneider.  With a career that launched in 1979, it’s difficult to ignore his contributions to heavy metal […]

Album Reviews


Our experiences throughout the year 2020 taught us a lot.  We learned how to adapt to all sorts of things in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.  One of the hardest things to adjust to […]

Album Reviews

Destruction : Live Attack

The 2020 Global Pandemic didn’t pick which industries to destroy during that dark time. There was no picking or choosing, many were hit with the same demolition hammer. Certainly, live music and venues were one […]

Album Reviews

DEE SNIDER: “Leave a Scar”

Most rock stars lose their intensity as they age.  Think about it. No one really wants to hear Axl Rose or Vince Neil anymore. (Sorry guys)  Every frontman that once filled arenas in the 1980s […]

Album Reviews

Descendents:9th & Walnut

By Brandon Mizar On July 23rd, the legendary punk band Descendents will release their new album 9th & Walnut viaEpitaph Records. 9th & Walnut was recorded in 2002 with the original Descendents lineup consisting ofbassist […]