Back in December a story ran about Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O’Brien. The story went something like this.

O’Brien’s home caught fire and he has a lot of guns and ammo in it. So as the fire blazed the ammo began exploding and going off. Likely fucked up and worried he was going to be arrested he ran to a neighbor’s house and was later caught hiding by a fence near his own property. This Fox News article from Dec. 11th 2018 has the full story.
“Responding deputies claim that they found O’Brien hiding near a fence near his own property and that he charged at officers with a knife and wouldn’t obey commands.”
Today O’Brien’s fellow bandmates finally issued an official statement on the matter:
“As a band and as individuals, we all want nothing but the best for our brother and partner, Pat. While we can offer no further information about the incident, we wanted everyone to know that Pat is getting the help he needs and appreciates the love and support from Cannibal Corpse fans around the world.Pat is currently with family and friends and looks forward to a healthy return at some point. For anyone wondering, all Cannibal Corpse touring will happen as planned and all shows will be played.”
Given the nature of Cannibal Corpse’s music it’s hard to believe this is one of the craziest things that’s ever happened to them. Outside of maybe playing a barbecue at Cher’s house… yes that happened. Alex Webster talks about it in an interview he did with a local Florida paper a few years ago. I won’t go too far off topic – but if you’re interested here’s the quote and a link to the article from the Tampa Bay Times:
“Another thing we did that was really unusual: A lot of people don’t know this, but Cher’s son Elijah (Blue Allman) is a killer guitar player, and he’s really into heavy music. About 10 years ago he had us come out and play his birthday party at the Viper Room in L.A., and Cher was in attendance. We actually partied at his house the day before and had a barbecue, and Cher was hanging out. Those are the kind of things where you’re like, Wow, we’re barbecuing with Cher. That’s pretty intense.”
Cannibal Corpse has several tour dates booked for 2019.