Watch the premier of “Deliverance” from Face Without Fear which features Tripp Eisen formerly Static-X and the Murderdolls. The video was shot in Middletown, NJ in August 2019 by Austin Hein Productions.
The first demo of “Deliverance” dates back to Tripp’s time in Static-X,
and with Kenny’s help it’s been updated and supercharged. “I am the real
thing, won’t you breathe in me, remove your disguise, even if it bleeds,
I want the real thing” …. Says Mantis: “It’s about bearing your soul,
allowing your true identity to be seen by others, and the vulnerability
that goes along with it.”
Kenny “Mantis” Hoyt – vocals
Tripp Rex Eisen – guitars
Dante – guitars, keys, percussion
Nick Sledge – bass guitar ****
T.J. Cooke – drums
**** – Public introduction of new bass player, Nick Sledge