“The only thing funnier than Belzebubs is how much black metal elitists will complain about it being ‘false’ on message boards.”
“Guaranteed To Turn Your Corpse-Painted Frown Upside Down!”
-The Grim Tower-
“Belzebubs is a fun read if you like metal music, especially if you grew up on comic strips like Calvin and Hobbes.”
-The Metal Crypt-
“Strikes that delicate balance between adorable and totally f***ing metal.”
-Talking Comics-
“Belzebubs takes the blueprint of the modern nuclear family and gleefully twists it into a counter-culture extravaganza that would make Charles Addams throw the horns high… one of the funniest, most instantly relatable and charming books it has been my pleasure to read in many a year.”
-Mass Movement-
“A visual sonic boom.”
-The Village Voice-