Brutal News

Gatecreeper To Release New Album An Unexpected Reality Via Closed Casket Activities On Wednesday, January 13

In a world of announcements of announcements, Gatecreeper are firing no warning shots before dropping their new release. “I think the social media environment has just fried our attention spans,” vocalist Chase Mason says. “Trying to hold someone’s attention for […]

Brutal News

Bolt Thrower: ‘Mercenary’, ‘Honour-Valour-Pride’ and ‘Those Once Loyal’ LP re-issues now available

    On January 22nd, Bolt Thrower will release LP re-issues of their classic albums Mercenary, Honour-Valour-Pride, and Those Once Loyal via Metal Blade Records. Pre-order your copies now at: –USA: –EU: –UK: See below for an overview of available […]