It is rare that in January I would commit an album to my top ten of the year but today I am going to do just that. Swedish metal band Corroded are going to release Bitter, their fifth studio album January 25, 2019. The album is easily their best release to date and is going to take Corroded to the next level.
Diving right in, Bitter starts with an introduction track that transitions directly into “Breathing.” This track is drum heavy beast that has the sound of Godsmack. It has some of the best guitar drum combos I have heard in a long time. I found myself replaying the song over and over.
“Cross” begins with the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil, then blasts straight into a sound that is reminiscent of Five Finger Death Punch. The strong galloping drumbeat coupled with sizzling guitars is brought to a rolling boil by Jens Westlin’s vocals.
One of my favorite tracks on Bitter is “Burn.” The 5FDP influence is still strong, but Westlin’s scorching vocals are very similar to Brent Smith from Shinedown in this track. “Burn” lyrically and musically is the song you will play when you have enough of the world outside and need to escape. The lyrics say it all:
“My Will
My Wish
And Everything Else Can Burn
My Wants
My Needs
Everything Else can Burn!”
Need I say anymore about this song?
Bitter continues the brutal assault with “Black.” A melodic slower track that has vocals that sounds like Peter Steele of Type O Negative. “Testament” and “Scream” are two songs that you literally scream through because they have such a fast tempo.
That brings us to possibly one of my favorite songs on Bitter. “Cyanide” starts with a feel that classic horror movie soundtracks are built on. The guitar riffs take you to the basement where you are sure to be murdered by the killer as you shake and suck in your last breath. Westlin’s vocals only play with your mind as the killer comes down the old creaking stairs. The song’s intensity moves from a slow kill to fast slash in a matter of seconds to take you down a cerebral mind fuck.
Bitter is not an album for the faint of heart or anyone on heart medicine. Corroded has found a way to take the sounds of Metallica, Godsmack, 5FDP, and other favorites and rolled them up into a badass album.
I did mention earlier will be on my “Top 10” in December, right?.
If you are metal fan Bitter will renew your faith in metal. Bitter by Corroded will be available on January 25, 2019 via Despotz Records.
Below is the clever videos Corroded came up with for the release of Bitter: